Independent Living Alternatives
promoting independence since 1989

A disabled person – just as a non-disabled person – should have control of their own lives. ILA won’t do things “to you”; we offer a bespoke service and provide a range of services to pick and choose from:
· Recruiting PAs
· Managing PAs
· Training and advice for PA Users
· You can be employer
· ILA can be employer
The first stage is to complete a PA User Registration form telling ILA what you want – we can then tell you what services ILA offer and how we can do it. At this stage we can also tell you how much it will cost. Please note there is minimum of 4 hours per visit. DOWNLOAD A PA USER REGISTRATION FORM
When you have completed your PA User Registration Form please email it to: PAServices@ILAnet.co.uk

Jackie: PAs provide all the assistance I need at home to live my life and enable me to and from work by car.
Marc: using ILA cuts out a lot of the time consuming paperwork involved in advertising.
John: was immediately impressed because ILA was very willing to offer the flexible support.
Tina: ILA has a significant impact on my quality of life because, unlike many organisations, it values and respects the opinions of disabled people.
Joan: ILA provide support without patronisation.